How to apply breast augmentation

breast augmentation silicone implant high profile implants breast fillers

Breast augmentation is the process of bringing the breast to the desired level in terms of shape,
size, and breast fullness. It is operated to equalize disproportionate breasts, to fix the volume
loss in the breasts after pregnancy or personal preference.
Breast augmentation is performed in two ways and the preference is up to the patient. The first
one is away from the surgery method which is named equalling and done under local
anesthesia. The second one is a classical method which is surgical intervention.
Aquailling is done under local anesthesia or sedation. A hydraulic gel that contains 98% water is
injected under the skin and this process takes 20 – 40 minutes. The patients can easily return to
their daily life after the process.  The most common method for breast augmentation is silicone implants that are put in
a different sizes. Silicone implants, also known as breast prostheses are divided into three
modern, anatomical, and round implants. Selected breast prostheses are placed under the
armpit, around the nipple, or under the breast.