About Breast Uplift

Breast lifting surgery, in other words, mastopexy, is an operation for enhancing the stance of your breasts. It is mostly preferred by women whose breasts are sagging or whose nipples are downward. Breast uplifting is not only about size but also about the shape of the breasts. If necessary, the procedure can be performed in combination with breast reduction or breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Turkey

Breast lift surgery in Istanbul / Turkey is preferred by women who suffer from sagging breasts. On breast sagging may be caused by aging, pregnancy, or weight fluctuation. Breast uplift and augmentation operations can be applied together as well. Considering that Turkey is a pioneer in aesthetics procedures, having a breast uplift in Istanbul, Turkey will be the best choice. Please contact us for more detailed information about the best surgeons and methods in Privia Clinic.

What causes breasts to sag?

  • Aging – will inevitably cause some deformations on your body including your breasts
  • Pregnancy – Due to changes in hormones and weight gain most women have larger breasts after giving birth. Even though the breasts lose their volume after breastfeeding and return to their original size, sagging occurs in the breast because the stretched skin and ligaments do not regain their old elasticity.
  • Weight fluctuation – can cause breast skin to lose elasticity and sagging.

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Reasons to have a Breast Uplifting Surgery


  • Breasts are sagging,
  • Breasts are not in good shape and volume as before,
  • Nipples stand downwards,
  • Areola get wider out of proportion to your breasts,
  • If one of your breasts stands lower than the other

Breast uplifting surgery can be performed on any size of breast.


Preparation Process for Breast Uplifting Surgery


Having your first visit to our clinic or for international patients, online consultation for breast lifting surgery, one of our experts will;

  • analyze your medical records – It is essential for the surgeon to know about your previous illnesses and treatments
  • examine your breasts – this is to decide the best option for the surgery
  • ask about your expectations – the surgeon needs to understand why you want breast lift surgery and how you want your breasts to look. The surgeon will also explain the procedure in detail.

Before the Operation

Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

We will do lab testing or a medical evaluation

Getting a mammogram is recommended if the patient is older than 40 years

During the Operation

Various techniques can be used in breast uplift surgery. The surgeon will determine where to make incisions depending on the method. You might expect to get incisions on:

  • Around the areola
  • Extending downward from the areola to the breast creases
  • Horizontally along the breast creases

After the Operation

You should stay in the hospital for one day after the operation. Your breasts will be covered with a surgical support bra. You need to use this bra for 2 weeks.

You will see some swellings and bruises on your breasts for about two weeks. There could be pain and numbness feeling in your nipples and breast skin for a few weeks. You can use painkillers or other drugs that your surgeon prescribes. Be careful while doing daily activities and avoid sleeping on your face for one week. Our expert will ask you not to have sexual activity for a certain period, also when it is okay to continue daily life comfortably.

Procedure time
1.5 to 2 hours

Overnight stay
1 Night

General Anaesthesia

Return time
5 days

Recovery time
2 Weeks