About Breast Revision

Breast implant revision surgery is done to replace old breast implants with new implants. Generally the goal is also to change or improve the appearance of the breasts while changing the implant, which could include:

  • Achieving breast lift at the same time
  • Reshaping the breast implant pocket to reposition the implant on the chest
  • Either increasing or decreasing the size or shape of the breast implant


If you have any of the complaints below you may need a breast revision surgery;

  • Whishing to change the size of the breasts.
  • Having capsular contracture and wish to corect it.
  • Correction of rupture or migration of implant
  • Change the style of implant


As time goes by, breast implants can change shape or size, and the overlying breast tissue can also change, creating an appearance or feel to the breast that is less desirable than the original result. Also, many breast implants have a lifetime warranty on the actual implant device, but after ten years the costs associated with having surgery to replace the implants are no longer covered.

Breast implant revision surgery is not a standard or routine procedure and needs to be tailored specifically to the patient’s goals and desires. Therefore, this surgery should be performed by a certified plastic surgeon who is well-trained and experienced in all types of breast surgery and who will listen to the patient’s goals and desires and will develop a surgical plan specifically to address all of the issues at the time of surgery.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery in Turkey

Breast augmentation surgery or breast enlargement is a surgical procedure to enhance breast appearance in terms of size and shape. Breast implants are the materials that are used in the procedure, not the surgery itself. Having a breast enlargement in Istanbul is a great option with our expert surgeons in Privia Clinic. For further information, please contact us.

Breast Surgery

Reasons to have a Breast Augmentation Surgery


  • If your breast size is smaller than you want, it will help you have an enhanced appearance.
  • After pregnancy and breastfeeding, if your breasts lost their volume and get smaller this operation restores the size and shape.
  • After the weight loss if you want to improve your breast size and the shape of your breast.
  • If your breasts are asymmetrical it is done to equalize the sizes of your breasts.

Breast augmentation surgery is a good way to boost your motivation and self-confidence.


The preparation process for breast enlargement


As soon as you visit our clinic or for international patients with online consultation for breast augmentation operation, one of our experts will;

  • analyze your medical records – It is essential for the surgeon to know about your medical history.
  • examine your breasts – this is to decide the best option for the surgery
  • ask about your expectations – the surgeon needs to understand why you want a breast augmentation operation and how you want your breast size, shape, and the feel you wish. The surgeon will inform you about types of implants, the post-operation shape of the breasts, and surgical techniques. Then, all you need is to decide and tell our expert which of the options you prefer.


Breast implant types


A breast implant surgery is a medical prosthesis that is placed inside the breast to augment, reconstruct, or form the breast physically. There are two main types of breast implants:

  • Saline breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. The saltwater is held within an outer silicone shell. These implants can be filled with different amounts of saline solution.
  • Silicone breast implants consist of a silicone gel held within an outer silicone shell.


Breast implant shapes


One of the most frequently asked questions in breast augmentation surgery operation is the difference between round and anatomical implants.

  • Round Implant: A round implant can be selected if the patient has a certain amount of breast tissue and if the patient wants the upper pole fullness in the décolleté.
  • Anatomic Implant: Anatomic prostheses may be preferred for patients who do not have enough breast tissue, the décolleté region is not very full, and if they want a smooth transition.

Procedure time
1.5 to 2 hours

Overnight stay
1 Night

General Anaesthesia

Return time
5 days

Recovery time
2 Weeks

Before the Operation

Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

We will do lab testing or a medical evaluation

During the Operation

The surgeon makes one single incision in order to place the implant on one of these three parts:

Inframammary incision, In the crease under the breast.
Periareolar incision, Around the nipple shape of a smiley.
Transaxillary incision, Under the arm, near the armpit.
The decision of incision place depends on several factors, including implant size, the type of implant, the patient’s anatomy, and surgeon-patient preference.

There are two options for placing the implant;

  • Subglandular; over the pectoral muscle, behind the breast tissue
  • Submuscular; under the pectoral muscle

Later on, the implant will be placed into the pocket and centered behind the nipple, by the surgeon. In the last step the surgeon closes the incision and healing will begin.

After the Operation

You should stay in the hospital for one day. During the healing process, you must wear a compression bra for two weeks. If the surgeon considers it necessary, you may also be prescribed pain killers. In the first week, we do not recommend carrying heavy loads. After the fifth day, you fly.

After the healing is completed, you will have better-looking breasts and higher self-confidence.A